About Me
Hello! I'm Mike And I Like Money!
Around 1982, I was given my first “real” computer – a commodore VIC 20. As my computers improved over the next few years, I was one of the early adopters of what was then known as the “Information Superhighway,” or “the world wide web.” I was on the internet when “websites” were called BBS’s (Bulletin Board Systems) and required you to dial into each individually, using your landline and a very expensive 9600 baud modem.
I registered my first domain name in the 90s and leased my first unmanaged dedicated server a few years later. I would often register a domain name, put up a (very early version of) WordPress website, get it listed in the DMOZ (pre-Google) and Yahoo, then take it down and start again. Building websites and ranking them were just fun to me.